Phase 1 will be a collection of six built to suit units - 3010 (491,000 sq ft), 3020 (397,595 sq ft), 3030 (920,817 sq ft), 5010 (194,269 sq ft), 5020 (437,804 sq ft) and 5030 (275,085 sq ft).
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By filling in this online form, you are agreeing that we can hold and process your personal data in relation specifically to the West Midland Interchange project. We will share your personal data with the West Midlands Interchange team for evaluation purposes only. Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent. We will use your data to:
Send you updates about the project (where you provide us with your contact details)
Contact you to ask you more about the comments you have made if you have provided us with your contact details.
Send you information relating to opportunities arising out of the development including, but not limited to, community investment, job vacancies, letting and other commercial opportunities (where you have made such a request and provide us with your contact details)
Data Protection
We hold all personal data in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and your personal data will not be transferred outside of the UK. Full details of the privacy policy are available.