What you need to know about the Phase 1 plans

14 February 2022

What is Phase 1 on WMI?

Phase 1 is the first set of construction works taking place on-site for WMI. The works will include;

  • Building the first two warehouses adjacent to Vicarage Road;
  • Providing a new footway and cycleway on Vicarage Road and building a new roundabout into the site and first section of Spine Road through the site to access these warehouses;
  • Delivery of the initial green infrastructure – follow the link to see the boundary for the Phase 1 green infrastructure plan;
  • Completing the initial design of the green spaces to the south of Straight Mile – to be followed by an engagement process on the Calf Heath Community Park design

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Future phases will start in 2024 and includes the remaining warehouses and the rail freight interchange. The design of other new roads and road improvements including the A5/A449 Link Road, A449 and A5, as well as the two Community Parks, will be progressed in future phases.


When is it taking place?

From February, we’ve been finalising plans for Phase 1, which will be submitted to South Staffordshire District Council.

We’ve had on-going discussions with Staffordshire County Council and South Staffordshire District Council as the plans have been developed. We will provide a link to the plans as soon as they’re published on the council website.

The works for this phase will begin in summer 2023 and complete in late 2024.


Will there be job opportunities?

We’re in the process of setting up the Employment Fund Steering Group, in order to progress plans with City of Wolverhampton Council, South Staffordshire Council and Staffordshire County Council to maximise opportunities for local people to get involved in construction and operational jobs when businesses move in.


Will there be increased traffic during Phase 1 construction?

We’re working with our contractors to develop a traffic management plan to minimise disruptions on the road. The plan will include prescribed traffic routes our vehicles can use for construction. We’ll share the details of the plan on our website as soon as it has been developed.


How are you keeping people updated?

We’ll be keeping our website up to date with the most current activity on-site and informing residents of opportunities to speak with the project team directly via post.


How can I  find out more about the project and Phase 1?

If you have any questions on our Phase 1 plans or simply want to find out more about the project and sign up to our e-newsletter, please contact our Community Relations Team:

Email: contactus@communityrelations.co.uk

Telephone: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm on our freephone number 0800 377 7345